
A female veteran holding a photo of herself when she served

Mapping Your Credits

Your experience in the military may be counted as elective hours toward your degree

Veterans & Military Personnel Degree Completion

It is possible that your military service has earned you the equivalent of college credit. Through training, military coursework, or occupation, your experience in the military may be counted as elective hours toward your degree program at Belmont University. 


Sources of University Credit

  • Belmont University accepts work completed at accredited institutions on campus or through extension divisions. Work is acceptable in transfer as total hours passed, provided the course grade is “C” or above. (No more than 64 semester hours from a junior college.)
  • Credit for military service is awarded (based on 2 years active duty).
    NOTE: Students must present documentation (DD214) to the Records Office for the credits to be posted as follows:

Course Credit

Credit hours

Belmont Course Credit

Physical Education

2 hours

WEL 1600 (2) *

First Aid

3 hours

General Free Elective (3)

Physical Education

2 hours

WEL 201T (1) (one hour in physical activity and one hour free elective) *


3 hours

General Free Elective (3)

Military Science

4 hours

General Free Elective (4)

Speech (officers only)

3 hours

COM 1100 (3)

* Students have met Physical Education Gen Ed requirement.

  1. Service schools, as recommended by the American Council of Education in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces. Credit subjects should be those acceptable in the university curriculum. It is not necessary that there be a comparable course at Belmont University.
  2. At least 32 semester hours must be taken in residence at Belmont University.
  3. A maximum of 25 semester hours may be awarded for USAFI subject examinations, for example, end-of-course tests or subjects standardized tests. CLEP subject exams (CEEB) are also in this category. Minimum percentile scores as recommended by ACE and USAFI are applicable.
  4. Correspondence credit from civilian colleges and universities is also accepted with a maximum of 12 semester hours.
  5. General Educational Development (GED) examinations of College Level Examination Program (CLEP):
    1. Six semester hours of credit will be granted for each of the five parts of the CLEP provided the individual attains a score equivalent to a “C” or above in each test.
    2. Six semester hours of credit will be granted for each of the four parts of the College-Level GED tests provided the individual attains the following minimum standard scores for each test:
      • Where one or more parts of each of these two types of tests are taken, credit will be granted as applicable. Credit will not be duplicated if tests have been taken in the same subject area. In the event of duplicate courses, only the higher grade will be accepted.
      • Test No. 1-55; Test No. 2-60; Test No. 3-61; Test No. 4-57; or an overall average of 60 on all four tests. 

Required Documents

Air Force Personnel

  •  (Community College of the Air Force): for Veterans and Active Duty Airmen

Army, Coast Guard, Marine, Navy Personnel, and Members of the Selective Reserve

  •  for Active Duty and Veterans
  •  (copy of Discharge Papers)
  • Army NCO’s who want to document MOS occupational credit need to submit noncommissioned officer evaluation reports (NCOER) that will show they held that job for a year in the appropriate rank.
  • Army Officers and Warrant Officers with no prior military service or other service members taking Army courses should go to the Army Education Center for a DD Form 295.
  • The Army Service School Academic Report (DA Form 1059) used to document training courses for officers and warrant officers is an acceptable form of documentation if mailed from Army school or certified by Army Education personnel.
  • Marines who want to document MOS occupational credit need to submit noncommissioned officer evaluation reports (NCOER evaluation reports that they held that job for a year in appropriate rank.) 

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at .

Have Questions?

Our Veterans Success Team is here to help veterans and service members who are prospective and current students. 

Email Us