
The bell tower on a cloudy day

Suspicious Package

Physical Threats

  • Do not open the suspicious item. If you have opened it, remain calm.
  • Notify Belmont Campus Security at 615.460.6911 immediately.
  • Do not move the letter/package or examine it any further.
  • Keep other out of the area. Close off the area if possible.
  • If possible, limit the use of two-way radios and cell phones near the suspicious item.
  • If the package is leaking a substance or powder and you came into contact with the substance, keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, mouth or any part of your face. Do not touch others or let others touch you.
  • Wash your hands and arms from the elbow down with soap and hot water.
  • Do not attempt to clean or cover anything that might have spilled from a package.
  • Follow all instructions given by Campus Security and emergency personnel.

Call For Help

If you or someone you know is experiencing an emergency, contact campus security immediately.

You can call 615.460.6911 or dial 6911 from any campus phone.

Call Campus Security