To best serve you, we ask that patients schedule appointments in advance.
Appointments may be scheduled online through your . Same day appointments for sick patients are available on a first-come, first-served basis by walk-in or calling 615-460-5506.
Appointment Types/Symptoms
- Routine Physicals (Pharmacy, Athletic or Work)
- Skin conditions (Acne, Eczema)
- Injuries
- Mental Health
- Ear pain
- Eye redness, discharge or itching
- Painful Urination
- Headache
- Dental or Mouth pain
- Prescription refills for chronic conditions
- Gynecological problems
- Upper Respiratory Infections
- STI testing
- Sore throat/Strep
- Mono
- Influenza
- Sinus infections
- Cough
- Women's Health
- Immunizations
- Allergy Shots
- Titers for immunity
- Lab work with a doctor’s order
- TB testing
After you schedule your appointment
After scheduling an appointment, you will receive an email with instructions and steps to complete prior to your appointment.
If you have any of the symptoms below, you must wear a mask in the Health Services waiting room and clinic.
- Cough
- Congestion/Runny nose
- Shortness of Breath
- Fever
Important Information
Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. If you are late, you may be asked to reschedule.
Bring your BUID, insurance card and form of payment to every visit.
Log in to your and complete all required forms prior to your appointment.
Health Services Appointment Forms
Please complete the appropriate Consent for Treatment form before you appointment in Health Services:
Student Consent for Treatment, Telehealth, and Privacy Practices
Please print, read, sign, and upload this document into your Health Portal before your first appointment, or if you are 18 years of age or older, you can sign electronically .
Employee Consent for Treatment, Telehealth, and Privacy Practices
Please print, read, sign, and upload this document into your Health Portal before your first appointment, or if you are 18 years of age or older, you can sign electronically .

Patients Requesting Allergy Shots in Health Services:
Please print and take these forms to your allergist to complete and fax to 615.460.6131.
Appointment Cancellation
To cancel your appointment, log in to the Medicat Patient Portal and click “cancel my appointment” on the home screen. Please cancel at least six hours before your scheduled appointment time. To reschedule an appointment, call the office at 615-460-5506.
Clinic Hours
Saturday – Sunday: Closed
*Hours may differ during school breaks or holidays.
Contact Us
Phone: 615.460.5506
Fax: 615.460.6131
Email: healthservices@belmont.edu