

Message from the Dean

About Belmont Law

Alberto Gonzales

My professional experience has reinforced by belief that lawyers are a tremendous force for good. At Belmont Law we teach our students that lawyers have a unique responsibility in American society to protect the rule of law. We value public service, and our goal is to produce leaders in the bar and in our community. We incorporate ethics, professionalism, and integrity in everything we do. Consequently, we treat our students as professionals on the day they enter law school.

During my career as a lawyer, I have witnessed numerous changes in our profession. For one, law firms today expect new lawyers to “hit the ground running.” Consequently, the Belmont Law faculty of experienced teachers, scholars and practicing attorneys integrate traditional legal analysis and practical legal skills, all with the goal of graduating practice-ready attorneys for today’s global market.

Additionally, today it is more common for someone with a law degree to have multiple careers with different employers. A quality legal education is the foundation that provides the flexibility to pursue one’s dreams. At Belmont Law we take seriously our obligation to help prepare our students to make the choices that will lead to a more productive and satisfying life.

We hope you will take the opportunity to review our website and learn more. We also invite you to visit us in the vibrant city of Nashville. It would be my pleasure to meet with you personally to explore how Belmont Law can better prepare you to serve others.

Hope to see you soon.

All the best,

Alberto R. Gonzales
Dean & Doyle Rogers Distinguished Professor of Law

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College of Law

1901 15th Avenue South 
Nashville, TN 37212

Email:  law@belmont.edu
Phone:  (615) 460-8400

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