
Three Belmont Student looking at their laptops while huddled together

1098-T Information

Information and FAQs about the 1098-T Form

The Form 1098-T is a tuition statement that colleges and universities are required to issue to most students who paid for “qualified educational expenses” in the preceding calendar year. Qualified tuition and related expenses are tuition, fees, and course materials required for a student to be enrolled at or attend an eligible educational institution.

If you are eligible to receive a 1098-T it will be available by January 31st of each year.

For general questions about the 1098-T, please visit  

For questions regarding your Belmont specific 1098-T that are not answered in the 1098-T Frequently Asked Questions, please email studentaccounts@belmont.edu.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find the steps for both students and authorized users.  


  1. Login to your MyBelmont account.  
  2. Click on the View Student Account icon.  
  3. You will have the option to view your 2024 1098-T in the middle of the account homepage. A new window will open to view your 1098-T.  
  4. Your 1098-T information will be displayed by calendar year, with the most recent year of 2024 listed first.  
  5. You will see options to the right-hand side to View/Print Statement.  


  1. You will login with your authorized user access using this link:  
  2. If you are not set up as an authorized user, please have your student login to MyBelmont to add you as an authorized user.  
  3. Once you have logged in, you will follow the same steps 3-5 listed above.  

The 1098-T is a statement that colleges and universities are required to issue to certain students. It provides the total dollar amount paid by the student for what is referred to as qualified tuition and related expenses (or “QTRE”) in a single tax year.
For more information, please visit

Your Form 1098-T will be available to you electronically on or before January 31st through your student portal.

  • Box 1 includes all payments-cash/check/credit cards, loans, scholarships, State Prepaid Plan payments, etc. 

  • Box 5 includes all scholarships, grants and third-party credits processed by Belmont posted to the student account.

There may be a couple of possible reasons for this.

First, the amount in Box 1 only represents amounts paid for qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) and does not include payments made for room and board, insurance, health service fees, though important, are not considered mandatory education expenses for tax purposes.

Secondly, 1098-T reports amounts that the student paid in a certain year, and the pay date does not necessarily correspond to the dates that the classes were attended. For example, tuition for the Spring semester is typically billed in the prior year so a student may have paid tuition for the Spring semester in December even though classes don’t start until January. The best and most accurate source of information about the amounts that you paid for qualified tuition and related expenses will be your generated statements.

No, the University does not include amounts paid for books in the 1098-T. You should consult with your tax advisor to determine if payments for books, equipment or fees should be considered when preparing your income tax returns and determining eligibility for education tax credits or deductions.

You may print out a statement of your account activity in your MyBelmont student portal.

Some April graduates will not be issued a Form 1098-T because there is a possibility that payments for QTRE for Spring were made on or before December 31 of the preceding calendar year. If a student paid for the spring semester and any other outstanding QTRE charges in the preceding calendar year, then the student would not receive a Form 1098-T.

Yes! We’d be happy to update and reissue your 1098-T form to include your SSN. There are two options of submitting updated information.  

  1. You can click on the “Manage” hyperlink listed next to your 1098-T. A new window will open which will allow you to submit your correct SSN and supply supporting documentation.  
  1. You can also submit your SSN documents through our Dynamic Forms portal located   

All students regardless of enrollment status can access the current and/or previous years 1098-T through the MyBelmont portal, using the same login information you used as an active student.

Please contact studentaccounts@belmont.edu if you are unable to access.