
A photo of students walking down a side walk with ASK BU in the top right corner

I don't get along with my roommate

What do I do if my roommate and I don't get along?

Living with another person can be difficult. We are here to help!


Building:  Wright Hall
Room Number: Entrance to the right of the main door
Phone: 615-460-5802
Email:  reslife@belmont.edu 
Website: www.belmont.edu/res-life

Residence Life Staff are committed to providing a purposeful, welcoming, and safe home for you. We know that living with your peers is fun and difficult at times. We are here to help. Contact us with any residential questions you have! 

Find Your Residence Director’s Contact Information

Visit our Website 


Building: Gabhart
Room Number: 209
Phone: 615-460-6856
Email: counseling@belmont.edu
Website: www.belmont.edu/counseling

BUCS provides you free and convenient access to professional mental health assessment, emergent care, groups, short-term individual therapy, referrals, and wellness education. Interested? You can schedule an appointment here. In crisis? Click here for more resources.

Visit our Website