
Student sitting outside on a bench on a sunny day next to Bear Creek

Environmental Emergencies


Chemical Emergency

  • Notify the Campus Security at 615.460.6911 immediately.
  • Do not attempt to clean up the spill.
  • Remove yourself and others from the area.
  • If anyone had contact with the hazardous material, they should be isolated and await treatment by emergency personnel.
  • Do not pull the fire alarm unless there is a fire or need for immediate evacuation
  • Provide first responders with information about the spill, chemicals and the spill area.
  • Evacuate the building if first responders issue the evacuation order.
  • Re-enter the building only when an “all clear” is provided by Campus Security or Building Coordinators.

Gas Leaks & Power Outages

Immediately report gas leaks or power outages:

  • During regular work hours (Monday-Friday 7:00 am – 4:00 pm) to the Facilities Management Office at
  • After regular work hours, on weekends and on holidays to Belmont Campus Security at 615.460.6911.

Gas Leaks

  • Evacuate the area immediately.
  • Do not attempt to shut off or manipulate valves.
  • Do not switch on lights or any other electrical equipment. Do not smoke in the area.
  • If leak is outside, do not remove any vehicles from the immediate area until cleared by Belmont Campus Security and fire department.
  • Account for all building personnel once outside and wait for further instructions from Belmont Campus Security and fire department.

Power Outages

  • Help co-workers in darkened areas move to safer locations.
  • Secure current experimental work and keep refrigerators and freezers closed.
  • Unplug personal computers, appliances and non-essential electrical equipment.
  • Open windows for additional light and ventilation.
  • Check all building elevators for stranded personnel/students. Advise Belmont Campus Security of locations of any disabled elevators with occupants.
  • Follow the instructions given by Campus Security, Facilities Management Division personnel and the fire department.

Call For Help

If you or someone you know is experiencing an emergency, contact campus security immediately.

You can call 615.460.6911 or dial 6911 from any campus phone.

Call Campus Security