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Law Library Databases A-Z

College of Law Library

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

This resource provides PDF access to over 100 publications by the American Bar Association.  Access is through HeinOnline.

Includes full text of the Restatements of the Law, ALI Annual Reports, Proceedings of ALI Annual Meetings, and full text of the UCC and Model Penal Code.  Access is through HeinOnline

With titles from the Animal Legal Defense Fund and Animal Welfare Institute, this collection aims to establish the foundational laws pertaining to animals and follow the evolution of these rights throughout the years. It includes philosophical books dating back to the 1800’s, videos, periodicals, brochures, and more. Access is through HeinOnline. 

This online collection contains popular study aids in ebook format, including Examples & Explanations, Emanuel Law Outlines, Glannon Guides, Emanuel CrunchTime, Academic Success, Casenote Legal Briefs, Inside Series, Friedman's Series, and the Jumpstart Series. 

This collection contains AALS publications such as: AALS Directory of Law Teachers, AALS Handbook, AALS Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, Clinical Law Review, and Journal of Legal Education.  Access is through HeinOnline.

The Atlantic is an American magazine that features articles on politics, foreign affairs, business and the economy, culture and the arts, technology, and science. Access is provided by entering your MyBelmont credentials.

Contains more than 130 state and local Bar Journals, searchable by article title, author, description, date, or across the full text of the articles. Access is through HeinOnline. 

A comprehensive casebook index, featuring nearly 10,000 entries and spanning from 1870 to current within the last year. Access is through HeinOnline.

A comprehensive legal database which includes federal and state case law, statutes, regulations, news, and access to federal and state court dockets.   Access to Bloomberg Law is provided through individual username and password.

The Brennan Center is a nonpartisan law and policy institute that seeks to improve the systems of democracy and justice in the United States. The Center's work focuses on a wide range of issues, such as voting rights, campaign finance reform, racial justice in criminal law, and Constitutional protection in the fight against terrorism. The Center considers itself to be a think tank, public interest law firm, advocacy group and communications hub. Its law and policy scholarship addresses many issues, is largely written by attorneys, and is extensively peer-reviewed by scholars and legal practitioners. Access is through HeinOnline. 

A collection of full-text books and bibliographies, as well as federal and state documents; legislative histories; House and Senate hearings and reports; committee prints; and reports from the Comptroller General, the Congressional Research Service, and the Government Accountability Office. Also included are selected lists of court decisions important for researching particular issues in both sports and entertainment. The lists include citations and brief annotations describing the significance of each of the highlighted decisions. Access is through HeinOnline.

The website of the Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction, including student lessons, podcasts, webinars, and more. Access to CALI is provided through individual username and password.

Contains the official bilingual series published under authority of the Supreme Court Act. This collection includes nearly 10,000 cases which include background information, statutes and regulations, authors cited, analysis and the decision. Access is through HeinOnline. 

Includes publications and archives of the London-based Chatham House, a leading center for policy research on international affairs.  Covering the years 1920-1979, this collection includes briefing papers, special reports, pamphlets, conference papers, and monographs.

Containing publications from the Commission on Civil Rights, legislative histories on landmark legislation, briefs from relevant U.S. Supreme Court cases, and more, this database covers civil rights in the United States as their legal protections and definitions are expanded to cover more and more Americans. Access is through HeinOnline.

Coverage is comprehensive, containing all volumes dating back to inception (1938). Access is through HeinOnline.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

Provides legislative information such as the text of bills and resolutions, full text of the Congressional Record, and treaties.

Featuring William H. Manz's Congress and the Courts: A Legislative History 1787-2010, this database brings together materials reflecting congressional concern with the composition and structure of Article III Courts and provides all relevant documents prepared by various Congresses relating to the purpose, formation, organization, and restructuring of the federal government. Also included are Federal Judicial Center Publications, Periodicals, Links to Scholarly Articles, CFR Title 28 - Judicial Administration, and other related works.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

Compiling federal government reports and publications on the various ways COVID-19 has impacted every aspect of life, this database is organized into the following areas of impact: Economics, Global Impact, Health, and Society. Access is through HeinOnline.

This collection includes the official reports and opinions of the U.S. Attorney General (both the Official Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States as well as the Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States Department of Justice). Also included are guides, handbooks, hearings, and other materials related to the study of criminal justice in the United States. Access is through HeinOnline. 

An interactive digital database that takes students and researchers back to Tocqueville's 1831. Provides full-text links to the works of Tocqueville read while he traveled, researched, and wrote "Democracy in America." This database includes more than 1,000 annotations and references. Access is through HeinOnline.

Contains the entire Federal Cases series (1894-1897), which contains more than 20,000 cases. Also included is the Trinity Series, which includes American Decisions, American Reports, and American State Reports.  Access is through HeinOnline.

Provides access to digital images of 150,000 complete books published during the 18th Century, relevant to the fields of law, history, literature, religion, fine arts, science and more.  

Contains English case law from the years 1220 through 1867.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

The ECMI conducts practice-oriented research, provides information and documentation, and offers advisory services concerning minority-majority relations in Europe. This library contains several publications of the ECMI, including ECMI Reports and Working Papers. Access is through HeinOnline.

Provides access to federal and state case law, statutes, regulations, court rules, and constitutions. 

The Federal Register is updated on a daily basis. Its coverage is comprehensive and begins from inception (1936). Also includes the CFR from inception (1938), Official US Bulletin (1917-1919), United States Government Manual from inception (1935), Daily and Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents from inception (1965). Access is through HeinOnline. 

Includes the publications of the American Society of International Law along with prominent Yearbooks from around the world, including the Hague Permanent Court of International Justice series. It also includes U.S. Law Digests, International Tribunals/Judicial Decisions and more. Access is through HeinOnline. 

The Foreign Law Guide contains information on primary and secondary sources of foreign law, including full-text sources of foreign legislation in English translation.

This series presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity from 1861 through 1980.  Access is through HeinOnline.

Provides full-text searching across  Gale databases, including  the “Eighteenth Century Collection Online” and “Making of Modern Law” databases.   Artemis also enables users to analyze content using frequency and term-relationship tools.

A collection of fully searchable electronic reference books from Gale.  The collection includes titles on law, history, education, political science, and more.

Contains information on federal, state, and local government internships, including application deadlines, applicant qualifications, and details on the selection process.   Please see a reference librarian for the username and password. 

The Federal Digital System provides free public access to full-text, official federal information, and federal information finding aids.

This collection brings together more than 500 titles dealing with the topic of gun regulation and legislation, including periodicals, key compiled federal legislative histories, relevant congressional hearings, CRS Reports, Supreme Court briefs, and more. Access is through HeinOnline.

This resource explores the legal side of sports in depth and delivers mission-critical information to professionals who have chosen the sports industry as their field. These journals provide analyses to help these professionals make the best business decisions. Access is through HeinOnline. 

A collection of legal titles containing over 70 million pages in PDF format.  Titles include the Law Journal Library, English Reports, American Law Institute Library, and many others.

Provides a comprehensive overview of the history of death penalty legislation, including bibliographies, related trials, congressional hearings, periodicals, scholarly articles, and more.  Access is through HeinOnline.

Contains more than 1,000 titles and 800,000 pages dating back to 1690 on subjects such as: War & Peace, Nuremberg Trials, Law of the Sea, International Arbitration, and Hague Conferences and Conventions.  Access is through HeinOnline.

Includes hundreds of articles, hearings, documents, and titles to create a historical database of some of the most influential Supreme Court Justices to serve in the United States.  Access is through HeinOnline.

This collection is a compilation of the most important historical documents and legislation related to immigration in the United States as well as current hearings, debates and recent developments in immigration law.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

This multilingual index provides citations to articles and book reviews appearing in more than 500 legal journals published worldwide. It provides in-depth coverage of public and private international law, comparative and foreign law, and the law of all jurisdictions other than the United States, the UK, Canada, and Australia.  Access is through HeinOnline.

Includes legislative histories, treatises, documents, and classics relating to copyrights, patents, and trademarks.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

The International Commission of Jurists promotes and protects human rights through the rule of law. Created in 1952, the ICJ aims to ensure the progressive development and effective implementation of international human rights and international humanitarian law. It also works to secure the realization of civil, cultural, economic, political, and social rights, as well as strives to safeguard the separation of powers and guarantee the independence of the judiciary and legal profession. Access is through HeinOnline. 

The International Law Association's objectives are the study, clarification and development of international law, both public and private, and the furtherance of international understanding and respect for international law. The International Law Association Reports of Conferences contain the International Committees' reports and a record of the discussions at the Conference working sessions, together with the adopted Resolutions. Access is through HeinOnline. 

Contains more than 1,900 law and law-related periodicals.  Search by article title, author, subject, state or country published, keyword, or date.  Access is through HeinOnline.   


A resource for legal news in over thirty different practice areas and industries. For off-campus access, please enter your MyBelmont credentials. 

Legal news and analysis, including publications such as The National Law Journal, The American Lawyer, LegalTech News, and Corporate Counsel. Faculty and current students at the Belmont College of Law may set up personalized accounts at .

A collection of materials relating to the gay rights movement in America, including an interactive timeline, as well as subject-coded court cases, scholarly articles, books, pamphlets, reports, and more. Access is through HeinOnline.

Provides background and contact information on leaders in government, business, nonprofit organizations, and news media.  Search by name, organization, or keyword. 

Includes more than 4,500 classic legal texts. Access is through HeinOnline.

A comprehensive legal database containing federal and state case law, statutes, administrative codes, magazine and newspaper articles, treatises, law journals, legal forms, and other information resources.  Access is provided through individual username and password.

A collection of courtroom videos, case recordings, and training videos.  The courtroom video collection includes selected trials, hearings, and oral arguments from United States federal and state courts.  The audio collection contains recordings of the most commonly assigned cases for law students.  Training videos cover Trial Advocacy, Rules of Evidence, and Appellate Advocacy.   To access, create an account by using your Belmont email address on the registration page. 

A collection of popular study aids in e-book format, including the Question & Answers series, Understanding Series, and a variety of titles from the Carolina Academic Press.  Access is provided by entering your MyBelmont credentials.

The online database of the non-profit Law Library Microform Consortium, providing access to thousands of legal titles, including U.S., foreign, and international law.

A fully searchable database featuring international and foreign legal materials.  The Foreign Law component features foreign legal treatises, commentaries, encyclopedias, textbooks, and monographs from a variety of countries. The Comparative Law component features books that compare more than one legal system and includes Ancient, Roman, Jewish Law, and Islamic Law. The International Law component features works of some of the great legal theorists, including Gentili, Grotius, and Selden, among many others. 

A fully searchable database of more than 21,000 Anglo-American monographs including casebooks, local practice manuals, form books, works for lay readers, pamphlets, letters, and speeches. Treatises from major legal thinkers are included — Coke, Blackstone, Bentham, Maitland, Kent, Story, Holmes and more. The collection is derived from two reference sources for historical legal studies: the Nineteenth Century Legal Treatises and Twentieth Century Legal Treatises microfilm collections.  

A fully searchable digital archive that includes both The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources I, 1620-1926, as well as Primary Sources II, 1763-1970. Primary Sources I, 1620-1926, is a digital archive of the published records of the American colonies, documents published by state constitutional conventions, state codes, city charters, law dictionaries, digests and more. Primary Sources II, 1763-1970, supports far-reaching research in legal and social history, from the 18th century to the era following World War II and consists of United States state and territorial codes, municipal codes, and constitutional convention and compilations. 

Provides official court filings from the final years of the court’s fourth chief justice, John Marshall, through the first 10 years of the court’s 15th chief justice, Warren Earl Burger. Some cases consist of a few documents, while others may include dozens of documents. It includes famous briefs written by leading attorneys (many of whom later became judges and associates of the Court). It also contains briefs written by institutions, corporations, and advocacy groups, including the NAACP, the ACLU and The New York Times. The collection does not include the Court’s rulings, opinions or decisions, but focuses on the legal documents and records presented to the court.

This manual is published to provide U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) examiners, applicants, attorneys, agents, and representatives of applicants with a reference work on the practices and procedures relative to the prosecution of patent applications before the USPTO.  Access is through HeinOnline.

The Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory has long been a reliable source of information on law firms, banks, and real estate offices in every United States city for lawyers, bankers, merchants, manufacturers and others. In addition to providing addresses and contact information for law firms, the Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory also contains ratings and a section on foreign lawyers and law firms. HeinOnline includes the historical archive of this publication from its inception in 1868 to 1963. Access is through HeinOnline.

Searchable citations for over 4,800 biomedical journals with full text available for more than 2,400 titles.  Access is provided through Bunch Library.

This collection brings together thousands of diverse publications related to the history, glory, might, and daily nitty-gritty of administrating America's fighting forces. Content focuses on the function of the federal government in administrating the armed forces, the armed forces' structural changes over time, and the issues confronting service personnel both on and off the battlefield. Coverage is from the American Revolution on up to the present War on Terror, with selected titles from English military history to supplement understanding of the development of America's own military law.  Access is through HeinOnline.

This collection provides access to the full text of all Model Acts drafted, recommended or endorsed by the Conference. It includes the NCCUSL Archive Publications, Handbook of the NCCUSL and Proceedings of the Annual Conference Meeting, as well as the transcripts of the discussions in the Committee of the whole of each Uniform and Model Act. Also included are the approved "successive drafts" of each Uniform and Model Act.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

Provides legal news and analysis for attorneys.  For off-campus access, set up a .

Includes digital access to the records, briefs, and related organizational materials from the 1st to the most recent (1950-current) annual National Moot Court Competitions.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

Provides state-by-state comparisons of current state laws.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

Provides digital access to NYTimes.com and the NYT apps. To access, click on the link above and then choose "Create an Account." Be sure to use your Belmont email address when setting up the account. 

This collection includes more than 60 volumes of yearbooks from the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy, covering interdisciplinary research in political and legal philosophy. Access is through HeinOnline.

Open Society Justice Initiative – Contains publications of the Open Society Foundation, an organization established to provide expert legal support for strategic human rights litigation and other legal work. This collection includes reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets exploring and advocating on issues of human rights and justice.  Access is through HeinOnline.

The five-volume Encyclopedia of Human Rights, edited by David Forsythe, offers comprehensive coverage of all aspects of human rights theory, practice, law,a nd history in over 300 entries signed by leading scholars and human rights experts. The coverage includes major figures, organizations and institutions, human rights events and crises, and human rights norms.

This multivolume encyclopedia charts the interdisciplinary field of Peace Studies, offering a comprehensive survey of the full range of historical, political, theoretical and philosophical issues relating to peace and conflict.

Includes more than 50 publications from the prestigious Parker School of Foreign & Comparative Law at Columbia Law School.  Includes the 22-volume set, A Bibliography on Foreign and Comparative Law. Access is through HeinOnline.

This reference tool includes over 2,500 entries to cover both terminology and pertinent descriptive information on international law that includes diplomatic law, criminal law, human rights, and more.

Contains the complete United States Department of Defense history of the United States' political-military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967.  Access is through HeinOnline.  

Through special arrangement with the International Law Students Association (ILSA) this collection provides access to all of the top moot court competitions since 1960. It draws together the Problems, Judges' Briefs, Rules, and leading written memorials which comprise each competition. In addition, several publications of ILSA are also available.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

The Practicing Law Institute’s Discover Plus database provides access to Treatises, Answer Books, and Forms for standard US practice, and is especially strong for transactional materials. In addition, PLI offers Course Handbooks and Program Transcripts from its seminars and publications.

This database, derived from the award-winning sourcebook, provides brief overviews of state histories from colonization to statehood. It also identifies a wide range of both readily available and hard-to-find materials from each state. This is an invaluable and comprehensive tool for researchers. Sources include state codes, journals, digests, reports, surveys, and much more. Sources link to available documents whenever possible. Access is through HeinOnline. 

The American Bar Association's Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases is a publication that provides comprehensive expert analysis of all cases argued before the Supreme Court prior to the arguments. A subscription to this online publication includes eight issues annually. Issues 1-7 summarize the Court's seven argument sessions from October through April. Issue 8, which is published subsequent to the close of the Court's term at the end of June, reviews the entire term using statistics, charts, essays, and case summaries. Access is through HeinOnline. 

This database includes the full text of congressional publications, finding aids, a bill tracking service, and the full text of public laws.  Searchable documents include House and Senate Committee Reports, Committee Hearings, Committee Prints, and Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports.

A database of legislative histories comprised of fully searchable PDFs of full-text publications generated in the course of congressional lawmaking. These include the full text of the Public Law itself, all versions of related bills, law-specific Congressional Record excerpts, committee hearings, reports, and prints. Also included are Presidential signing statements, CRS reports, and miscellaneous congressional publications that provide background material to aid in the understanding of issues related to the making of the law.

Includes compiled regulatory histories for administrative materials related to enacted federal laws.  This resource also provides indexing and full-text searching of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations.

A complete online collection of full opinions from Supreme Court argued cases, including per curiam decisions, dockets, oral arguments, joint appendices and amicus briefs.  Coverage is from 1975 to the present year. 

The National Library of Medicine's database providing journal citations and abstracts in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and preclinical sciences. Comprises more than 21 million citations for biomedical literature from , life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.

Includes titles on Canon Law, History of the Church and State, Religion and Freedom, Jewish Law, the Reformation Period, the Bible in Public Schools, and more. The collection also includes the Christian Legal Society publications and rare historical bibles.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

This unique resource contains the most current and extensive listing of publications created by presidential advisory bodies, including related United States congressional hearings, scholarly articles, and a bibliography.  Access is through HeinOnline.

Complete coverage of all six revisions from the official printed volumes of the Revised Statutes of Canada in nearly 48,000 pages. Access is through HeinOnline. 

Tax and accounting research from RIA, WG&L, PPC and others. Includes tax, accounting, auditing and corporate finance content, including primary source materials and expert analysis.  For remote access from off-campus, please enter your MyBelmont credentials. 

This resource consists of five key titles on this topic: American Journal of Law & Medicine (AJLM), Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (JLME), Medical Law International, Medicine, Science and the Law, and Medico-Legal Journal. Access is through HeinOnline.

This library contains the session laws of all 50 U.S. states as well as Canada, Australia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and the D.C. Register. All states are current within 60 days of the printed publication, and all states are available back to inception.  Access is through HeinOnline.

This collection is comprised of legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world. This includes every statute passed by every colony and state on slavery, every federal statute dealing with slavery, and all reported state and federal cases on slavery.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

Contains a comprehensive collection of federal income tax information, such as full text of all proposed, temporary and final federal income tax law regulations, as well as full text of federal administrative rulings and documents. Access is through HeinOnline.

This collection includes access to the State Attorney General Reports & Opinions for all fifty states as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Also includes access to the Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States Department of Justice and the Official Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States.  Access is through HeinOnline.

Provides a state-by-state guide to published court reports and how they relate to the National Reporter System, as well as providing links to the full text of historical state reports.  Access is through HeinOnline.

Includes superseded state statutes for all fifty states. Search the statutes by state, date, description and text.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

Contains English statutory law from the years 1235-1713.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

Provides access to over 20,000 bibliographic records from the Subject Compilations Bibliography Series. Many records contain extensive annotations with links directly to articles and other documents residing in HeinOnline.

This collection provides access to the complete archive of the non-partisan Tax Foundation's publications, which contain information on taxation, fiscal policy, finance and more.  Access is through HeinOnline.

This historical archive contains more than 4,000 volumes and one million pages of legislative history materials and other documents. It includes the complete Carlton Fox Collection which contains nearly 42 years of historical legislation related to the internal revenue laws from 1909-1950. It includes more than 100 other legislative histories related to taxation, economic reform, and stimulus plans.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

This library includes legislative histories, treatises, and documents related to bankruptcy law in America. It also includes classic books dating back to the late 1800s and links to scholarly articles that are related to the study of bankruptcy in America.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

An online directory with over 16,000 individual listings of Tennessee attorneys. Please see a reference librarian for the username and password. 

Provides summaries of all opinions rendered by the Tennessee Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Court of Criminal Appeals and Workers' Compensation Appeals Panels. Please see a reference librarian for the username and password.

Contains contact information for over 14,000 Tennessee government officials.  Please see a reference librarian for the username and password.

This collection contains exact reproductions of major United Nations legal publications, including the complete collection of the United Nations Treaty Series, the League of Nations Treaty Series, and the Monthly Statement of Treaties & International Agreements.  Search by UNTS citation or keyword.  Access is through HeinOnline.      

This unique collection contains more than 200 titles from the internationally acclaimed University of North Carolina Press. These UNC Press publications cover a variety of timely topics and include both current and historical titles. Access is through HeinOnline.

This database provides access to the full text of all Model Acts drafted, recommended or endorsed by the Conference. It includes the NCCUSL - Archive Publications, Handbook of the NCCUSL, and Proceedings of the Annual Conference Meeting from the first through the most recent Annual Meeting. Transcripts of the Proceedings of each Annual Meeting, as well as the transcripts of the discussions in the Committee of the whole of each Uniform and Model Act, are available. Also included are the approved "successive drafts" of each Uniform and Model Act. Access is through HeinOnline.

This full text website contains numerous United Nations databases, including the United Nations Treaty Series.   

This collection includes the official opinions of the U.S. Attorney General (both the Official Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States as well as the Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States Department of Justice).   Access is through HeinOnline. 

This collection includes complete coverage of the official United States Code dating back to inception in 1925-1926. Also includes the Early Federal Laws Collection, which represents the most complete collection of federal statute compilations prior to the US Code. Access is through HeinOnline.

This collection features the complete Congressional Record Bound version, as well as the daily version back to 1980. It also includes the three predecessor titles: Annals of Congress (1789-1824), Register of Debates (1824-1837) Congressional Globe (1833-1873), and Congressional Hearings (1927-2012), as well as other important congressional material. Using the Daily-to-Bound Locator Tool, you can quickly find a page in the Bound volume from the Daily edition.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

Includes federal legislative histories published by the U.S. GPO and private publishers, as well as a finding aid for locating compiled legislative histories. Access is through HeinOnline.

Featuring reports, decisions, and records, this library is a complete collection of the official case law of some of the United States' most important U.S. Federal Agencies.  Access is through HeinOnline.  

This library includes such titles as Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Public Papers of the Presidents, CFR Title 3 (Presidents), Daily and Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, and other documents related to U.S. Presidents.  Access is through HeinOnline. 


This database contains commitments entered into by individual U.S. states with foreign nations on topics ranging from archaeology to human rights to transportation. Access is through HeinOnline.

Includes complete coverage of the official U.S. Reports bound volumes as well as preliminary prints, slip opinions, and books and periodicals related to the U.S. Supreme Court.  Access is through HeinOnline.   

This library includes all U.S. treaties, whether currently in-force, expired, or not yet officially published.  Access is through HeinOnline. 

Provides deadlines, application instructions, and contact information for all state courts. Please see a reference librarian for the username and password. 

Primary and secondary legal resources from Wolters Kluwer.  Includes coverage in the following areas:  Antitrust & Competition Law; Banking & Consumer Finance Law; Blue Chip; Cybersecurity & Privacy Law; Employee Benefits; Government Contracts; Human Resources; Intellectual Property Law; Labor & Employment Law; Litigation Law; Payroll & Entitlements; Pension; Practice of Law; Products Liability & Insurance Law; Property & Construction Law; Securities & Corporate Law; Tax Law; and Transportation Law. 

Provides direct access to the full contents of the Wall Street Journal on the wsj.com website. Access is provided by entering your MyBelmont credentials. 

This archive brings together thousands of casebooks from West, one of the most prominent legal publishers in the United States. Access is through HeinOnline.

Provides online access to over 350 study aid titles including case briefs, outlines, overviews, and exam prep aids.

A comprehensive legal database containing federal and state case law, statutes, administrative codes, magazine and newspaper articles, treatises, law journals, legal forms and other information resources. Access to Westlaw is provided through individual username and password.

This collection brings together books, biographies and periodicals dedicated to women's roles in society and the law. This unique collection of materials provides a platform to research the progression of women's roles and rights in society over the past 200 years. Also included are more than 70 titles from Emory University Law School's Feminism and Legal Theory Project which provide a platform to view the effect of law and culture on the female gender.  Access is through HeinOnline.

Includes the current constitution for every country in both its original language format and English translation.  Access is through HeinOnline.

Contains trial transcripts and trial-related resources, including complete sets of American State Trials, Howell's State Trials, and the Nuremburg Trials.  Access is through HeinOnline.

Resources available through the Lila D. Bunch Library include hundreds of databases in the physical and social sciences, language, and fine arts.