Interlibrary loan is available to members of the Belmont Law School Community. If a title cannot be found in the Belmont College of Law Library, we will gladly locate the item in another law library for your convenience.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) requests may be made online via the law library website or in person at the circulation desk.
Students will be notified via e-mail when titles arrive; ILLs for faculty members will be delivered to their office.
The loan period for ILL materials is determined by the lending library. This period is typically from two weeks to a month. Materials must be returned to the Circulation Desk on or before the specified due date or fines may be charged to the patron. If a title is needed longer than the loan period allows, it may be renewed at the Circulation Desk or via e-mail. Renewals are not guaranteed as they are determined by the lending library.
Interlibrary loans are subject to recall if the lending library needs the title returned before the said loan period. Patrons will be notified via e-mail if a title is recalled.
All ILL materials are subject to fines for damaged books, late returns and lost items. Fines are typically determined by the lending library, but additional charges determined by Belmont may be billed for processing.
Before placing an interlibrary loan request for a book, check to see that the item is not available through the . If the item is not available in the online catalog, next check . If requesting a copy of a journal article, search the online catalog to make sure that the library does not own the journal. Also search the list of online journals to make sure the library does not have access to the journal.
Please contact the Circulation Desk at with any questions or concerns.
When you have completed these actions, proceed to the Interlibrary Loan Request Form found here.