
Safeguarding Your Property

CP Shared

Commonly Asked Questions

Question: Is Belmont responsible for my property if its lost, stolen, or damaged?
Answer:  Belmont University is not responsible for loss, damage or theft of personal belongings. Individuals should secure their property in safe, secure locations. While no security plan can be 100% foolproof, the information in this section provides tips on ways you can help keep your property safe.

Question: What can I do to protect my property?
Answer:  Many of the incidents reported to campus security could have been avoided. Follow the safety tips listed below to protect your property.

  • Park Smart – Don’t leave valuables in your vehicle. Lock your vehicle. Take your keys with you.
  • Be attentive for persons who don’t have authorized access attempting to “piggyback” into buildings by entering behind others or as someone exits.
  • Use locks on lockers
  • Lock door to residence/office
  • Keep residence/office windows locked
  • Use secure bike locks on bicycles (such as u-locks)
  • Do not leave valuables unattended
  • Keep a record of valuables serial numbers
  • Report suspicious activity immediately

Question: What is the most common type of crime on campus?
Answer: Petty theft. Examples include:

  • Theft of valuables left unsecure and unattended such as purses or backpacks left in unlocked, unoccupied spaces
  • Theft of property left visible inside vehicles (including backpacks, wallets, laptops, gym bags, sports equipment)
  • Theft of bicycles that were left unlocked or had poor quality locks

Do you have a question that was not answered in this section?
Email your question to:

Important Numbers

Belmont Non-Emergency  615/460-6617 
Belmont Emergency          615/460-6911 

Metro Non-Emergency      615/862-8600
Metro Emergency              911