
Reporting Crime

What should I do if I notice something or someone that looks out of place on campus?

  • Go to a safe location
  • Call campus security (615/460-6911) immediately

Who do I need to contact to report suspicious activity or a crime on campus?

  • Campus Security

In a crisis situation, it is common to want to call someone who can offer emotional support like a parent or significant other. However, in a crisis situation, when seconds count, it is imperative to call the ones who can address the situation immediately. If a crisis situation arises, call campus security or metro emergency BEFORE calling a loved one.

A crisis situation refers to any situation in which you believe your life/safety or the life/safety of someone else is in jeopardy.

Examples of crisis situations:

  • A person is sweating profusely and clutching his chest. 
  • You are walking from your vehicle to a building and think you are being followed.
  • You are in your residence and hear what sounds like gun shots.

Belmont Non-Emergency  615/460-6617 
Belmont Emergency          615/460-6911 

Metro Non-Emergency      615/862-8600
Metro Emergency              911

Campus Security will contact all necessary individuals and/or emergency personnel, depending on the nature of the report.

What kind of information should I provide when calling campus security?

  • Your name and contact number (optional but encouraged)
  • Nature of the incident (smoke, suspicious person, medical need, etc.)
  • Location of the incident
  • Description of the suspect: Clothing, Race, Sex, Approximate Height & Weight, Approximate Age, Scars, Dsitinguishable Feature
  • Possible victims
  • Need for emergency response (police, fire, medical)

An easy way to help describe a suspect is to compare him/her to someone you know. For example: He looks to be about my dad's height and my dad is 5'10. She is thinner than my friend and my friend weighs 130 pounds.

Important Numbers

Belmont Non-Emergency  615/460-6617 
Belmont Emergency          615/460-6911 

Metro Non-Emergency      615/862-8600
Metro Emergency              911

Every Security Officer is trained to respond to emergency situations, whether medical, criminal, or natural. Should an emergency arise on campus, we ask that you call Belmont Security immediately. Once an emergency call is received by our office, we call metro emergency or non-emergency, depending on the need. One officer reports to the scene to offer aid and/or assistance until the appropriate emergency vehicle (police, ambulance, fire) arrives. Another officer goes to a predetermined location to meet the emergency vehicle and to escort them to the location of the incident.  When metro receives a call for service, they may not know where to find the specific location on campus. Our procedures help to expedite services.

These procedures DO NOT prohibit others from calling metro emergency or non-emergency if they choose. We simply ask that you also give us a call.