
Self Protection Strategies

CP Shared

What can I do to protect myself?

Here are some basic tips on keeping yourself safe:

  • Use the buddy system. Walk or jog in groups of three or more.
  • When you attend social gatherings, go with a group of friends. Arrive together, check in with each other throughout the evening, and leave together. Knowing where you are and who is around you may help you to find a way out of a bad situation.
  • If you do not have traveling companions during hours of darkness, use the escort service on campus, no matter how short the distance. Call OCS at (615) 460-6617 to request an officer to meet you and walk you to or from your vehicle or next campus destination.
  • When travelling, plan your route in advance and let others know where you are going and when you will be back.
  • Travel in well-lit and well-populated areas. Avoid isolated or dark areas.
  • Remain aware of your surroundings with your eyes up and alert while walking.
  • Walk with confidence and purpose.
  • Do not wear earphones while walking or jogging. They can distract or prevent you from hearing others approaching you or detecting nearby safety hazards.
  • Before exiting a building or car, look around the area for anything suspicious.
  • Trust your instincts – if you feel unsafe, get to a safe location and call Campus Security or the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD).
  • If confronted by a situation, try to remain calm. If it is safe to do so, try to get a detailed description of suspects or suspicious persons and/or their vehicle(s).
  • Do not use ATMs (automated bank teller machines) alone, at night, or when someone suspicious is nearby.
  • Know the locations of emergency telephones.
  • Stay informed about crimes on and around campus.
  • Stay alert, and plan ahead for “What if...?”.
  • Consider downloading a personal safety application, such as LiveSafe, Circle of Six, and Rave Guardian.
  • Safeguard your personal information on-line. Be attentive for phishing scams, fraud, sextortion attempts, unknown persons requesting to use your personal device which would give them access to your Venmo or other financial apps, and other crimes by keeping current on internet crimes and prevention streatgies.
  • Park Smart – Don’t leave valuables in your vehicle. Lock your vehicle. Take your keys with you.
  • Ride Share Safety: Stop – Review Safety Features. Ask “what’s my name”. Match License Plate, Driver information, Inform - Share the details of your trip with a friend. Utilize the "share status" function in your ride sharing app.


Commonly Asked Questions

Question: Is Belmont safe?

Belmont University is located in the heart of a major metropolitan city which is also the state capital. As such, we are vulnerable to the same sorts of crimes as any other major city. Belmont, however, places significant importance in the relationships we have built with our neighbors, whether they be residents in surrounding homes, owners/managers of nearby businesses, or other local universities such as Lipscomb and Vanderbilt. Our larger community informs us of any pertinent information that may be of use to us in our mission to protect the Belmont Community. We, likewise, do the same.

There are numerous reasons for our reputation as a safe and friendly campus. The number one reason is communication and teamwork.  The Belmont community as a whole is familiar enough with the campus and the people in and around the campus to know when something is not quite right. Faculty, staff, and students do a tremendous job in letting security know whenever something appears suspicious or potentially unsafe. Our officers respond to such calls in a timely manner to follow up. We also have great relationships with Metro Police, Fire, and EMS. Crime can happen anywhere at anytime. We must all work together to keep ourselves and each other safe. 

Follow the tips listed above to increase personal safety.

Question: Is it safe to walk alone at night?
Answer:  It is always preferable to avoid walking alone at night, no matter who you are or where you are. No matter how safe your surroundings, the chance of potential threat is always present. Use the buddy system. Call Campus Security for an escort when travelling from locations on campus to locations on campus.

Do you have a question that was not answered in this section?
Email your question to:


The Crime Prevention Unit will answer your question.

Important Numbers

Belmont Non-Emergency  615/460-6617 
Belmont Emergency          615/460-6911 

Metro Non-Emergency      615/862-8600
Metro Emergency              911