

How the process works:

Appeals may be submitted up to thirty days after the citation is issued. After thirty days, the citation is submitted for billing and is no longer eligible for appeal. The person with the traffic violation cannot be represented by an attorney or use witnesses to state his/her case. For tips on how to write an appeal, see below.

First parking ticket: Either pay in Belmont Central or follow procedure below:

The first citation for any violation can be reduced to a warning by taking a test regarding the understanding of Belmont's traffic rules and regulations. Exclusions to this rule are parking in a handicapped space, fire lane, reserved space, or visitor space.

First violations for parking in a handicapped space, fire lane, reserved space, or visitor space can be appealed using the process below but are not eligible to be reduced to warnings by taking the test.

Note: Parking Test may only be taken once per 蜜桃视频 year. 

Second parking ticket: A traffic citation, once issued, can only be dismissed, or excused by the Student Justices associated with Judicial Services. In some special or unusual circumstances, the Chief of Campus Security may void a traffic citation.

Note: Your account will be billed within thirty days of the date of citation. If the appeals process warrants a refund, a credit will be issued to your account.

How to Submit an Appeal:

Students, Faculty, Staff

  • Go to , click on sign in at the top, and then appeal at the bottom of the screen.


  • Log in to your MyBelmont account, select Campus Security and Safety, Bicycle and Vehcile Registration, Appeals, and follow the steps as instructed. 

Tips for Writing an Appeal :

Contrary to popular belief, a well-written parking appeal can make a difference. Through appeals, we have changed or adjusted parking regulations. You help bring problems to our attention through the appeal process.  

To help get your point across, here are some things to keep in mind:  

  • Make sure your appeal reason matches the violation on the ticket. If it's for parking in a "No Parking" area in a student lot, don't state why you were in the lot. Instead, explain why you were in the "No Parking" area.  
  • Spell check. Remember, as with any well-structured paper, it takes away from the appeal if there are multiple misspelled words. You care enough to send an appeal in, so make it look good!  
  • Don't insult the appeal board. The appeal board is made up of your constituents –– fellow Belmont students and a faculty and/or sta ff member . It is not in your best interest to insult the committee.  
  • While the appeal board members appreciate well-placed sarcasm as much as you do, do not use it in your appeal. Sarcasm does nothing to help support your appeal case.  
  • Don't lie in your appeal. Students who falsify information  in an appeal will be subject to Community Conduct Sanctions.  

Avoid these Common Statements:

  • "I had my hazard lights on!" Hazard lights on your vehicle do not authorize you to park anywhere. The flashing lights only draw attention to your vehicle and to the fact that you know that your vehicle shouldn't be there, even "just for a second".  
  • " I only parked in visitor parking for a few minutes while I went into the bookstore." The spaces in visitor parking are for Visitors only .  
  • "But I've parked there before and never gotten a ticket." Call it luck, call it good fortune. Even if you have parked in an illegal area in the past and not been ticketed, your responsibility is not waived.  
  • "I can't afford to pay for a ticket!" Appeals are not decided on ability to pay. They are decided on the validity of your argument.  
  • "I didn't know that was an illegal area to park." All of the parking rules and regulations are available on this website, which is updated when any changes in parking regulation s occur and are published in the parking quick facts guide . Everyone who applies for a Belmont parking permit must first indicate their agreement to accepting responsibility for reading the parking rules and regulations.

Unacceptable Grounds for Appeal  

  • “I only parked illegally for a short period of time.”  
  • "I didn't know I couldn't park there."
  • “It was inconvenient for me to park in a designated space or area.”  
  • “I misunderstood or didn't see the sign.”
  • “I saw other people doing it, so I thought it would be okay .  

Important Do’s and Don’ts  


  • Appeal citation within 30 days of citation issuance.  
  • Be specific and thorough – vague or incomplete appeals will be rejected.  
  • Submit evidence, with citation number included, at the time of citation.  
  • Keep a copy of any evidence you submitted.  


  • Do not forget to submit your evidence.  
  • Do not leave out significant details to your appeal. The Hearing Officer cannot consider issues which were omitted by the appellant.