
Parking Regulations

1. Visitors are defined as one-time or infrequent campus guests such as prospective students, visitors to the mansion, and non-Belmont persons invited to attend events or visit campus.

Anyone regularly accessing Belmont’s campus for purposes of education or business is expected to obtain a Belmont Parking permit and to park their vehicle in the appropriate designated area. Students, faculty, staff, contractors, service vehicles, and independent contractors are generally not considered visitors and are subject to being cited.    

Visitor parking is enforced year round.

2. Visitor parking is provided in the following locations:

Fidelity Hall south side

Freeman Hall, Barbara Massey Rogers Center

Baskin Center Garage Level P1 (5 spaces)

Curb Garage Level P6 (25 spaces)

Ayers Garage Level P1 (20 spaces)

Johnson Garage Level P1 (67 spaces)

McWhorter Garage Level P1 (all spaces)

West Belmont Blvd. street parking

Email parking@belmont.edu for questions

3. Surface parking lots on the west side of campus, other than visitor parking areas, are reserved for Commuter students, Faculty and Staff from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mon-Fri.

Residential students may park in any surface or garage space on campus between 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 a.m Monday through Friday, unless the space is marked as reserved. During normal business hours, 8:00am-4:30pm Monday through Friday, residential students are required to park in their designated parking areas.

With the exception of those actively using the library, overnight parking is prohibited in the Leu Center for Visual Arts and Bunch Library lots.

Residential permits parked in surface lots after 8:00 am are subject to being ticketed.

Belmont Commons Students may also park in South Garage.

Other than the exceptions above, residential students are required to park in the area designated by their parking permit.

Faculty, staff, students, and visitors may use the South Garage as overflow parking.

4. Accessibility parking spaces are available at various locations on campus.  

Vehicles parked in disability spaces must properly display a state-issued placard or license plate as well as a Belmont parking permit or visitor parking placard.

All persons registering for a parking permit who intend to utilize disability parking spaces on campus are required to provide a copy of their state issued disability parking permit and documentation evidencing that the permit is issued in their name.

Disability parking in surface visitor lots is reserved for visitors with disabilities. Faculty & Staff who have valid disability parking credentials displayed on their vehicle and have provided a copy of their state issued disability parking permit as well as documentation evidencing that the permit is issued in their name may park in any disability parking spaces on campus other than those in surface visitor parking lots.

Vehicles that do not have the proper state-issued placard or license plate are subject to being cited.

Disabled drivers are exempt from the prohibition of backing into a parking space; the exception is that no one is allowed to back into any angled parking space in any surface lot or in the parking garages.

Belmont is not authorized to issue any allowance (temporary or permanent) for vehicles to park in designated ADA spaces. Persons should follow the steps on the Tennessee Department of Motor Vehicles website to apply for a temporary or permanent disability placard:

Temporary accommodations may be made for persons who do not qualify for state-issued handicap placards but who may need a temporary accommodation due to a mobility impairment such as being on crutches. Persons with temporary mobility impairments should contact either the office of Human Resources (faculty and staff) or Disability Services (students). Required medical documentation required may include diagnosis, severity of the condition, functional limitations, recommended accommodation, and physician signature.

Human Resources and Disability Services will work with OCS to assess parking options. Temporary Disability Parking permits allow the recipient to park in the designated areas at specified times for the duration of the temporary accommodation but do not allow parking in disability spaces unless specifically noted on the permit. Any extension beyond the original expiration date requires a new permit.

5. Other Temporary Reserved Spaces. Some parking spaces on campus may be reserved for special uses. These spaces will be marked with the use of signage, orange cones, and/or yellow tape.

6. Motorcycles, mopeds, and scooters must park in designated motorcycle parking spaces only, not in motor vehicle or bicycle parking spaces, on lawns, sidewalks, or other inappropriate places.

Exceptions are the South Garage, where no specific motorcycle parking has been designated. In this garage, motorcycles must park in regular vehicle.

All federal and local laws apply to motorcycles, mopeds and scooters operated on campus.  This includes helmet laws, operating vehicles within traffic lanes, etc.

7. Residential Students should park in their designated on-campus parking areas rather than in the neighborhoods surrounding campus as part of our commitment to being good neighbors to the community around us. 

Designated parking locations for residential students can be found on the “Registration of Vehicles” Section. Please ensure you are familiar with any parking restrictions to avoid being cited and fined.

Students who live elsewhere and are visiting residents of the Hillside area and Belmont Commons and other visitors such as family and non-student friends, should park in the Curb Event Center or South Garages. 

8. General Parking Regulations

Vehicles may not park on lawns, sidewalks, crosswalks, along red or yellow curbs, or in any area not marked as a parking space. The inner circle of campus is a No Parking Zone and may not be used for parking.

Vehicles parked in authorized lots must be parked within the parking stripes and headed into the space. Backing into spaces is not permitted. This rule applies to vehilces with front license plates as well.

Double parking is not permitted.

Parking in the direction opposing traffic and backing into spaces are a safety hazards and are not permitted.

9. Use of Facilities

Utility trailers, boat trailers, storage units, or other wheeled vehicles of large size require the approval of Campus Security to be parked on campus.

Passenger vehicles may not be used as storage units on campus.

Storage of partially dismantled, non-operational, wrecked, junked, derelict, or abandoned vehicles on campus is not permitted and such vehicles are subject to being removed by Campus Security at the owner’s expense. Vehicles removed as abandoned may be sold, given away, or disposed of as permitted under applicable ordinances and statutes.

Band practices or performances in all garages or parking areas is strictly prohibited.


10. Active Loading and Unloading

Persons who are actively loading or unloading equipment may be permitted to do so briefly – for no more than 15 minutes - as long as they do not impede the flow of traffic and notify Campus Security of the location and duration of the loading / unloading in advance.

15-minute parking is available on West Belmont Blvd. Failure to abide by the 15 minute rule may result in a parking citation.