
Bicycles, Skateboards, Motorized Devices

All Bicycles on campus must be registered.

Each bicycle must display a decal issued by OCS that is affixed to the bicycle on the permanent part of the frame just under the seat.

Bicycle registration is provided at no charge through the Office of Campus Security. Registration serves a number of purposes. It serves as a deterrent to theft and as an aid to recovery in the event a bicycle is stolen. It helps OCS assess the number of bikes on campus and plan for our bicycle-related needs. It helps identify bikes that have been abandoned. And it provides contact information so an owner can be notified if their bike had to be removed so they can recover it before it has to be disposed of.

Unregistered bicycles are subject to removal by Campus Security.

Bicycles that are secured at locations other than bike racks - left in public access areas, entrances or exits to buildings, or attached to any railings, landscaping, or other areas not designated for bicycle use are subject to being removed by Campus Security at the owner’s expense.

Bicycles left outside on campus over summer break will be assumed to be abandoned and will be removed at the owner’s expense

Belmont assumes no responsibility for costs, including damaged or destroyed locks, associated with the removal.

Unattended bicycles are expected to be locked to a bicycle rack at all times. They are not to be left in public access areas, entrances or exits to buildings, or attached to any railings, landscaping, or other areas not designated for bicycle use.

Bicycle Registration Process

Bicycle registration is available online through your my.Belmont account. Log on to your my.Belmont account and click on the "Online Vehicle and Bicycle Registration" link on the left. Bicycle Decals may be picked up at the Office of Campus Security located in the Gabhart Student Center after registering your bicycle online.

Before registering online, make sure you have the following information:

  • BUID
  • Bicycle Brand Name
  • Bicycle Model/Style
  • Bicycle Serial Number (on bike frame under pedals)
  • Color
  • Additional Information or Features
  • Estimated Value
  • Best Contact Phone Number with Area Code

Unclaimed / Abandoned Bicycles

Any bicycle that has been removed and remains unclaimed after 30 days will be disposed of as abandoned property.


  • First Violation - Warning
  • Additional Violations
    • No Permit, $25.00
    • Parking Violation, $50.00. (parking anywhere other than designated bike rack)
    • Impounded Bicycle, $10.00 per day (owners of registered bicycles will begin incurring fines after receiving notification of impoundment)

Violations and penalties are assessed using an ascending fine system. Each recurring violation will require the penalty to double up to $300.00. Each subsequent offense will carry the $300.00 penalty.

Bicycle Safety Tips:

  1. Obey all Laws and Posted Traffic Regulations While Riding: When riding on the street, a bicycle must obey the same laws as a car. Ride on the right quarter of the street closest to the curb and obey all posted regulations and stop lights.
  2. Wear a helmet / do not wear headphones: Headphones prevent you from hearing other cyclists or motorists and increase the likelihood of an accident.
  3. Yield to Pedestrians: The proper place for a bicycle is on the road, riding with traffic. If you have to use a sidewalk, always yield to pedestrians. If approaching a pedestrian from behind, make your presence known and indicate on which side of the pedestrian you intend to pass.
  4. Dismount for Crosswalks and When on Sidewalks: With the exception of Police and Campus Security, riding bicycles on campus sidewalks is prohibited.
  5. Make Yourself Visible: When riding in low light conditions, take efforts to make yourself and your vehicle visible to pedestrians and motorists. Wear reflective clothing and make sure you have a functional headlamp and tail lamp.
  6. Assume Drivers Cannot See You: When passing a stopped vehicle or crossing at an intersection or crosswalk, always assume that drivers cannot see you. Stop, look both ways, and make sure all lanes of cross traffic have seen you and stopped. Make sure that vehicles know where you are on the road and that motorists stop before you cross. 

Securing your Bicycle

With an estimated 1.5 million bicycle thefts nationwide annually, bike theft remains one of the most common crimes at universities across the USA as well as one of the most frequently reported crimes at Belmont. One of the best deterrents to campus bike thefts is for everyone to properly secure their bikes with quality locks to deter theft. Criminals tend to look for crimes of opportunities and the easiest targets. If we all lock our bikes properly, we not only keep our own bike safe, but help keep our fellow community members’ bikes safe by deterring thieves from even coming to campus. So please

  1. Lock you bike using a substantial lock – a quality U-lock or a burly chain at least 12mm thick. Many lock manufacturers offer some level of insurance against theft; however, these often come with specific requirements including registering your bike with the company at the time you purchase the lock; be sure you read and follow the instructions.
  2. Properly secure your bike to the bike rack. The best way is to secure the frame and rear wheel to the rack so that neither can be easily removed.
  3. Use a secondary security device. Combining a U-Lock with a heavy cable or chain or to secure the front wheel to the frame decreases the likelihood anyone will attempt to steal your bike. Bolt cutters are the most commonly used tools for bike theft and combining a U-Lock and chain or cable makes theft very difficult.
  4. Register your bicycle with Campus Security.
  5. Take your bike with you or secure it at an off campus location when you will be away for an extended period. Remember that bicycles left outside on campus during summer break will be assumed to be abandoned and will be removed at the owner’s expense

Bicycle thieves have become more savvy over the years, learning to dress like college students when targeting campuses, using cell phones to communicate with lookouts, better concealing bolt cutters and other burglary tools so they are not as easily identifiable, and using “drop bikes” – inexpensive bikes that they will abandon at the scene of the theft – as props to help them blend in as they look for bikes that were left unlocked or have poor quality locking devices. If you see suspicious activity, go to a safe location and contact Campus Security immediately. Bike thieves have typically identified the bike they intend to steal, cut the lock, and ridden away in less than three minutes of their arrival at the site of their intended theft. The sooner you call, the more likely we are to be able to intervene and prevent the theft.

Coasting or Motorized Devices Policy

Skateboards are not permitted on campus when school is not in session or classes are being delivered online only. 

Skateboards, long boards, rollerblades, skates, and other coasting devices may be used outdoors on campus when school is in session so long as such use does not present a safety hazard to pedestrians and so long as such use does not cause property damage. Persons using these Devices (“Operators”) must use caution and act in a safe manner at all times for the safety of pedestrians, themselves, and others. Operators must yield to pedestrians. In times of heavy pedestrian traffic, when sidewalks and pathways are congested (such as when classes change between the hours of 8AM and 4PM on weekdays), Operators shall dismount and/or remove Devices completely and walk. Operators are prohibited from engaging in tricks (sliding, grinding, jumping, etc.) anywhere on university grounds and may not otherwise operate Devices in parking garages or university buildings or on stairs, railings, and/or retaining walls. Violations of these policies will result in disciplinary action.

Use of Devices is at the Operator’s own risk. Operators should be aware that they are personally liable for injury to people or damage to property caused by their activity. In addition, Operators are expected to know and adhere to all applicable laws and regulations governing use of public roads, sidewalks and other public areas. Metro Nashville generally prohibits the use of Devices on public roads.

Rented Scooters – Rented Dockless Bicycles

For the safety and well-being of the campus community, rented scooters may only be utilized on public streets near campus where cars are allowed. These electronic/motorized devices are NOT allowed to be operated, stored or left on Belmont University property. In addition, rented dockless bicycles are NOT allowed to be left or stored on campus. 

Questions about this policy should be directed to Campus Security.


Recent information has revealed that the batteries in hoverboard devices are dangerous and prone to explosion, creating a safety and fire risk. Until a time that the safety standard of these devices are improved, Residence Life has prohibited them from being in any of our residence halls.

Effective immediately, the use, possession, or storage of Hoverboards, Swagways, IO Hawks, Skywalkers, and similar devices, is prohibited on campus until safety standards for them can be developed and implemented, and the prohibition lifted.

Cautionary Note

Like any other sport or method of transportation, the use of Devices involves inherent risks that can lead to injury or death of the Operator or bystanders. Belmont University strongly urges Operators to fully understand the inherent risks and how best to manage such risks. Wearing protection equipment while operating Devices is strongly recommended.  A properly fitted helmet will dramatically reduce chances of traumatic brain injury during a fall, while other safety equipment like slide gloves, knee and elbow pads, and padded shorts will help minimize bodily harm in case of accident.