Special Circumstance Appeals
Special Circumstance Appeals refer to the financial situations (loss of a job, etc.) that justify an aid administrator adjusting data elements in the COA or in the SAI calculation.The list below gives some examples of special circumstances that may be considered.
Please refer to if you have further questions about your circumstances.
- Change in employment status, income, or assets
- Change in housing status (e.g., homelessness)
- Tuition expenses at an elementary or secondary school
- Additional family members enrolled in college
- Medical, dental, or nursing home expenses not covered by insurance
- Child or dependent care expenses
- Severe disability of the student or other member of the student’s household
- Other changes or adjustments that impact the student’s costs or ability to pay for college
Please note, the following circumstances do not qualify and will result in a denial if submitted:
- Appealing due to loss of financial aid from one year to another
- Retirement
- Onetime bonus/inheritance
- Moving expenses
- Credit card debit and/or personal expenses
If you feel you meet the criteria to file an appeal, please email sfsappeals@belmont.edu with Special Circumstance in the subject line. We will send you a secure link to upload your documents.
Unusual Circumstance Appeals
Unusual Circumstance Appeals refer to the conditions that justify an aid administrator making an adjustment to a student's dependency status based on a unique situation; more commonly referred to as a dependency override.The list below gives some examples of unusual circumstances that may be considered.
Please refer to if you have further questions about your circumstances.
- Human trafficking, as described in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (22 U.S.C. 7101 et seq.)
- Legally granted refugee or asylum status
- Parental abandonment or estrangement; or
- Student or parental incarceration
If you do not meet one of the above conditions, but still feel you have an unusual circumstance that should be considered, you may explain your situation in a detailed letter which you will attach when completing the Unusual Circumstance Form.
If you feel you meet the criteria to file an appeal, please email sfsappeals@belmont.edu with Unusual Circumstance in the subject line. We will send you a secure link to upload your documents.
Connect with Us
Student Financial Services is located in the Gabhart Student Center.
Email: finaid@belmont.edu
Phone: (615) 460-6403