Loan Repayment Process
Once you decide to borrow student loans, you should familiarize yourself with the loan repayment process. Your Federal Direct Student loans offer many repayment options including Loan Consolidation. You should explore all your repayment options to see which one works best for you. The Department of Education provides several resources for you to understand and simplify the repayment process.
Federal Direct Loan Repayment
For specific information on your Federal Student loans, please visit the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). Use your FAFSA PIN number to login. If you have forgotten or misplaced your PIN number, you can visit the PIN website to recover that information. NSLDS will give you a summary of your federal student loans as well as contact information for your loan servicer. You will repay your federal loans directly to your assigned loan servicer. Your servicer will be your primary contact once you enter into repayment, so please learn your servicer’s contact information. You are responsible for updating your servicer if your personal contact information changes (name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.).
Alternative Student Loan Repayment
If you borrowed any Alternative Student loans while you attended Belmont University, you will need to contact your loan lender for repayment information. You can find contact information for your lender through our Alternative Loan Lender page.
Other Loans
If you borrowed any institutional loans through Belmont University (Joe Davis, etc.), you will need to contact ECSI for repayment information.
Federal Perkins Loan Repayment
The Federal Perkins Loan program ended on September 30, 2017. If you have borrowed Federal Perkins Loans at Belmont University, your loan information has been sent to Heartland ECSI. All payments and related correspondence should be sent to Heartland ECSI. To view your Federal Perkins loan information online, please visit ECSI or you can contact them by phone at (888) 549-3274.
Additional Perkins Loan Information
If you borrowed any Federal Perkins loan while attending Belmont University, you will need to complete Perkins Exit Counseling when you graduate, withdraw, or drop below half-time enrollment (6 hours for undergraduates, 3 hours for graduates). Exit counseling must be completed prior to graduation in your final semester at Belmont.
Please note: This is a separate requirement from your Direct Loan Exit Counseling. Students who have borrowed Direct Loans and Perkins loans while attending Belmont must complete exit counseling for both loan types.
As you enter into repayment, your Federal Perkins Loan may be consolidated into a Direct Consolidation Loan. Consolidating your federal education loans can simplify your payments, however it can also result in the loss of some benefits from the Perkins Loan. To view your federal loan history, including Perkins Loans, please For more information on loan consolidation, please
The Terms and Conditions of your Federal Perkins Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN) provide you with additional detailed information regarding your rights, responsibilities and benefits of a Federal Perkins Loan. To view a copy of your Perkins MPN or if you would like additional information regarding any alternative repayment options for your Perkins Loan please contact or (888) 549-3274 for assistance.
The collection of Federal Perkins Loans have become increasingly strict. If you ignore bills or move without notifying Student Financial Services or ECSI, you may acquire a transcript hold, late fees, and a delinquency on your credit report.
If you have a problem making scheduled payments on your loan, contact Student Financial Services office immediately at (615)460-6403. An Institutional Loan staff member will work with you to help you avoid the costs and adverse consequences of delinquency and having your loan classified as in default. Deferment and forbearance are options that can help you avoid default and maintain a positive credit history.
Connect with Us
Student Financial Services is located in the Gabhart Student Center.
Phone: (615) 460-6403