
Missing Student Policy

Anytime a student is suspected to be missing and reasonable attempts to contact him or her have failed, a missing student report must be immediately filed with the Office of Campus Security. If a university official outside the Office of Campus Security (OCS) is notified first, they must ensure the filing of the report with the OCS office. The supervising OCS (Captain or Sergeant) officer on duty can immediately begin an investigation and make proper notifications ensuring university resources can be identified and utilized as quickly as possible.

If the student reported missing is a residential student living in university housing, it is University policy to report the missing status to the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department within 24 hours. (The exact amount of time taken to make this report will depend on the Police Department’s policies regarding accepting such reports and will allow time for the OCS investigation to provide information on the student’s possible whereabouts or other circumstances regarding the incident.) Students may designate a contact person or persons who will also be notified of results of the investigation.

The university is required to contact, within 24 hours, custodial parents or guardians of any students reported missing who are under the age of 18 and are not emancipated. This will be in addition to any contact person(s) designated by the student.

Any contact information provided by the student will be registered confidentially.